
In North America, we spend 90% of our lives indoors, and yet many buildings are burdened with poor air quality. In a typical office building, lighting, heating, and cooling represent 65 percent of total energy consumption, and yet most buildings hemorrhage heating and cooling power. Energy efficient design and construction is not only the right choice for your bottom line, but also the best choice for a healthy life.

Site Assessment and Due Diligence

Understanding the suitability of a site prior to acquisition can avoid costly "surprises" during development. Signal Environmental assessments examine possible environmental legacy issues and provide solutions. Geotechnical assessments characterise soil conditions to provide insight on bearing capacity and assist with foundation design.

Project Design Support

High performance building projects start with a well-vetted design. For regional scale developments to individual buildings the most successful projects adopt an integrated design approach that relies on collaborative input. An inclusive approach builds better teams, increases efficiency, and improves overall outcomes. Signal Environmental offers integrated design support to improve specification development leading to the tender process and ultimately to a superior building.

Construction Performance Surveillance and Materials Testing Services

Even the best plans and specifications are subject to field interpretation. Signal Environmental provides project surveillance of construction activities to keep the work on schedule and on budget. Testing of soils, concrete, steel, and building envelope ensure a building is delivered as planned.

Energy Efficiency Assessments and Energy Reduction Plans

Signal Environmental performs reviews of building envelopes and infrastructure. Mechanical and electrical system improvements can yield savings as well as improved air quality and superior light quality. Often capital investments in these types of upgrades will yield a better than 5 year return on investment.

Signal Environmental has over twenty years experience in the design, development, and construction industry. We know the language and team dynamics needed to manage and administer LEED® certification.